Business English


       This course focuses on developing business English skills for use in a professional environment both inside and outside the company. It will focus on the specific areas outlined below and the student can also suggest areas that they would like to focus on should they have a particular requirement or area of interest. Each unit will present a specific vocabulary set which will be used to extend and strengthen the participant’s vocabulary.

 After this course the students will be able to:

-      overcome fear and be more confident  speaking English (informal talks and public speaking);

-    feel more comfortable talking over the phone;

-    negotiate business deals with business partners in English;

-    make presentations and communicate more effectively using business terminology;

-     overcome cultural differences and better understand the peculiarities of foreign business partners

The course will cover the following:

      1. Social Interaction

          -    Meeting and greeting

          -    Engaging conversation and prompting

          -    Conversational techniques 

      2. Telephoning Skills

      3. Effective Interaction in Meetings
      4. The Language of Negotiating
      5. Making short Presentations
      6. Talking about Products and Brands
      7. Talking about the Company

          -    Discussing Plans

          -    Strengths and Weaknesses

          -    Staff

          -    Organization and Structure

          -    Development

          -    Market position and competition

     8. Describing trends and change

     9. Management styles: Using the right language

     10. Cultural and Difference: How culture effects the way we speak
     11. Talking about Money, Finance

     12. Schedules, Plans and Timetables

     13. Talking about national, international and global factors, economies.

     14. Deal with problems.

     15. Brainstorm solutions.

     16. Formal correspondence.

Requirements: minimum advanced basic English

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Качественное изготовление печатей, штампов, факсимиле в Киеве и Украине. Сервис "онлайн" приемов заказов на печатно-штемпельную продукцию - Онлайн заказ печатей и штампов
Качественное изготовление печатей, штампов, факсимиле в Киеве и Украине. Сервис "онлайн" приемов заказов на печатно-штемпельную продукцию - Онлайн заказ печатей и штампов